Sunday, August 16, 2009

Fun events this summer

This summer has been a pretty good summer even though I have had to be gone a lot. This last week especially has been eventfull, it started last thursday the 6th when we signed for our new house, that was pretty exciting. About an hour after that I left on another fire for about 8 days luckily all of Bre's family and Dusty where around to help Bre move into the house. Thanks guys! During this time we also gained a new member in our little family her name is Sadie, she is a pure breed black lab she is a lot of fun. Fiday night we decided to have a little thank you /house warming BBQ wich turned out to be a lot of fun. After the long week of moving and working we decided to go to the Washington county fair and watch the demolition derby. The derby itself was pretty long but all together we had a lot of fun.