Tuesday, April 14, 2009


We had a lot of fun for Easter, Saturday we went out to Easter with Derick's family it was a lot of fun, but it was also really cold at times. That day we had every kind of weather, it turned out to be a lot of fun though. There where bets placed to see if Derick was going to get his four wheeler stuck this year, sadly enough he didn't. We forgot to take our camera with us so we have no pictures. Then on sunday we drove down to Snow Canyon to have a little get together with Bre's family, it was also with Todd's family (bro n law). For the most part we had good weather it was really warm but the wind was bad. All in all both days we had some great food and it was good to spend time with both of our family's.


  1. Sounds like you had a good Easer! Its fun to beable to see BOTH families! We NEED to play soon:)

  2. Yea it is we really need to hopefully we will have some time before fire season really picks up
